© Pavel Artemyev, 2022
ISBN 978-5-0059-3435-2
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Pavel Artemyev
The father of Balance board (boards for balancing) is considered to be the American pilot Stanley Voshborn though the last honestly admitted that he peeped exotic art at natives of Africa. By the way, very much reminds a story with the first prototypes of SAM systems (surface-to-air missile systems) when the well-known Kongriva rockets were for the first time used to bombing of the French city of Boulogne, and later and in battle at Waterloo. The fact is that Kongriv the senior borrowed a secret of the flying rockets in the Southern India when “wild natives” unexpectedly attacked the educated British the most real missile weapon! The sharp-witted officer noted the invention of Indians, having turned into rather terrible weapon. Here and the pilot Stanley Voshborn, dreaming of sea surfing, I decided to replace in far 1952 with his Balance board. The surfing and Balance board – the general at these two classes really is, and the people beginning the first trainings with Balance board much easier are capable to pass to water surfing as in both cases similar groups of muscles work, the areas of a brain which are responsible for balance are involved.

It is possible to add that the “burgundy” industry presented to mankind the mass of other sports novelties – such as: windsurfing (a board under a sail), a sapsyorfing (SUP – “costing Stand Up Paddle on a board with an oar”), a skateboarding (English skateboarding – “driving on a board”), etc. And all this is equally connected with need to keep balance on a board, sensitively reacting to any changing conditions. In this plan Balance board there is an ideal preparatory step! Neither the special areas, nor any special physical training are required. At the same time results prove quickly enough. In addition people with amazement understand that this, apparently, purely the apparatus contributes also to the development of mental capacities!
Yes, yes! Like occupation about what I wrote in the former books, Balance board forms by juggling in a brain qualitatively new neuroblocks which are responsible for the speed of our reactions, attention and sense of equilibrium. Here also it turns out that, wishing to strengthen only a back or to defeat dizziness, the person gets up on a board and in a month – another receives significant increase in own IQ (English IQ – intelligence quotient, one of estimates of I.Q. of the person).
Someone from young readers, perhaps, will be surprised – and what value in sense of equilibrium is? And the young generation is usually not familiar with dizziness… However here it is all about perspicacious and competent prevention. Life is surprisingly transient. Today we are young and carefree, and tomorrow we retire, short-sightedly we squint, stumble out of the blue. And, alas, dementia today – the phenomenon, indeed, terrible, covering an essential part of the elderly population. Moreover – with approach of an era of digital congestion, this misfortune became even more inevitable. And what we who told, for people of advanced age it, without exaggeration, the most real crash.
Yes, Balance board is able to help them, however to rise on the shaking board in 70 and 80 years – occupation quite risky. Other business if the person from the youth surely seizes balancing and continues these studies till an extreme old age. Risk to slip, fall, lose balance out of the blue at such “balance boarder” many times it is less. In other words, he constantly keeps the vestibular mechanism in an appropriate tone, and it not only muscular reaction, it and ability to concentrate, this attention that is reflected in the general condition of a brain, well affecting memory, hearing, sight and coordination of movements.
The second important point it is possible to call fight against a depression – one more storm misfortune of a modern era. Indeed, the world around us such is that all of us are exposed to the heavy attacks of negative news day by day. The nature of living organisms calls them for vigilance and special attention to all disturbing, and this protective property played a dirty trick with mankind. Why? Yes because on draft to “terrible and dangerous” with might and main plays today’s information space. Advertizing, movies, news blocks – everywhere prevails a frightening factor. It is simpler to frighten us, than to amuse and please, and ubiquitous mass media impudently use it! Mysticism, news horrors, bloody realities – all this is presented to citizens of Earth in really space portions. As a result of the physicians trading in antidepressants there are legions and legions today! But, alas, they don’t treat for phobias, they only facilitate symptomatology. And it is worse than that – cause accustoming to drugs without which people immediately fall into the most severe melancholy. But an exit, certainly, is – and it consists not in buns cakes at all.
I have already written about serious scientific research, when, observing people engaged in one or another favorite activity, it turned out that the biochemistry of their blood is rapidly changing. It’s true. Reading books, listening to music, watching movies, playing sports – all these activities have their own therapeutic effect. And exactly the same thing happens when balancing on the board, since this activity is absolutely unspoiled and, moreover, pleasant! A blood test reveals a distinct increase in the so-called “happiness hormones” – endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. I wrote about them in more detail in books about juggling. Now it is more important for us to understand that all these substances affect our mood and health in the most direct way. The lack of these hormones causes depression, loss of strength, migraines, and on the contrary – their presence contributes to self-confidence, causes a feeling of delight and other positive emotions. And this is already a direct path to youth and health. Even in the most complex diseases, doctors observe cases of remissions (recoveries) if their patients are cheerful optimists. The great thing is that all this healing biochemistry is absolutely under our control and does not cause any negative consequences.