Praise for Accounting Control Best Practices, Second Edition «A comprehensive, well-organized reference manual that is perfect for managers and auditors of public and private companies. Whether you wish to comply with the rigors of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act or take your company to the next level, Accounting Control Best Practices, Second Edition contains virtually everything you'll need to design, challenge, and improve your company's internal control environment.» —Matthew T. Posta, Esq., CPA «Steven Bragg continues to improve the accounting field by providing thorough, step-by-step instruction in accounting best practices. During a recent software conversion, his book was my expert guide ensuring that the previous manual controls were replaced with the now automated process. It provides practical steps for both small and large organizations.» —Melody TroesserDirector of Accounting ServicesCole County Residential Services, Inc. «This updated reference is a comprehensive source for those who design, implement, or evaluate controls. Guidance is focused on understanding and mitigating risks, while also acknowledging the importance of efficiency and the use of automated systems. A very worthwhile addition to our knowledge base in today's control-aware environment.» —Clint Davies, PrincipalBerry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker
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