Everything you need to start your career in computer networking Looking to land that computer networking position? Look no further! Getting a Networking Job For Dummies offers all the tools and step-by-step guidance you need to stand out from the crowd, get your foot in the door, and secure a job in this fast-growing sector. In no time, you'll get a handle on networking roles, necessary education, training, and certifications, ways to brand yourself for your dream career, and so much more. These days, computer networking can be a complicated industry, and knowing what you need to do to make yourself an attractive candidate for a coveted networking position can make all the difference. Luckily, Getting a Networking Job For Dummies arms you with everything you need to be one step ahead of the game. Humorous, practical, and packed with authoritative information, this down-to-earth guide is your go-to handbook for scoring that sought-after computer networking position! Find the right organization for you Write a winning resume that gets attention Answer difficult interview questions with confidence Identify required certifications to get the job you want If you're a prospective computer networking employee looking to present yourself as a strong, competitive candidate in the computer networking market, this hands-on guide sets you up for success.
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«Getting a Networking Job For Dummies» автора Bill Hughes
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