The monograph is devoted to the theory and methodology of formation of development of mining and chemical holdings. Features of development of the companies in production of mineral fertilizers in the conditions of a maturity of mining and chemicalbranch are considered. The main features of development of the mining and chemical companies in the developed branch and market conditions are defined. The conceptual scheme of strategic development mining and chemical the companies in the conditions ofmature mining and chemical branch taking into account branch and market features of functioning is submitted. The main directions of strategic development of the domestic mining and chemical companies are given.The edition will be useful for applicants of scientific degrees, undergraduates of the economic and administrative directions, teachers, and also for the professional managers working in mining and chemical holdings.
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«Strategic analysis of mining and chemical branch of Russia. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Монография.» автора Анжелики Леонидовны Гендон
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