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By country and continent: another life. Part 1. Luxembourg: a giant among dwarfs

Bobby Mihalich
By country and continent: another life. Part 1. Luxembourg: a giant among dwarfs




© Bobby Mihalich, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0056-2054-5

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


What was the author’s goal in setting up this book? After all, there are plenty of sites and TV shows on this topic…

First of all, to help travel lovers to orient themselves correctly before setting off. You can’t review everything, but it’s very convenient to have such a kind of reference book in your hands. Well, it’s unrealistic to go around the whole world, so at least read, expand your horizons. It will take its rightful place in your personal library!

If geography or country studies is your specialty according to your diploma, then this book is for you. When writing an essay, term paper or thesis, even a dissertation. Historians, sociologists, political scientists, media workers will read the case with interest and benefit. In every travel agency will become a reference book.

I tried to illustrate well, because, as you know, it is better to see once… Well, you are always welcome to chat with me: 2-2-2@i.ua


I had to start arming myself with a magnifying glass. It was impossible to see the «Grand Duchy» on the map otherwise. With all desire. But among other dwarf states in Europe, this is the largest. Not like the Vatican or the Sovereign Order of Malta. The first of them, as you know, occupies a quarter in Rome, the territory of the second is 12 sq. m. Small office with access to the courtyard. Without going into details, it is enough to recall the Principality of Liechtenstein. Not a couple of streets, certainly not an office. But… 160 square kilometers. Not even funny.

Luxembourg is a completely different matter. Area 2586 sq. km. You can say wow! Half the size of Istanbul, but three times the size of New York. With a population, however, not very much – only 497,538 people. For a city of average hands – what you need. But there are 11 cantons here, not counting the capital! Solid.

Fig.1. Luxembourg map

It’s a pity Guderian didn’t appreciate it. Neither the scale, nor the fortification «Schuster Line» erected in a hurry. And for some reason, the legendary commander ignored the mobilized army – 425 recruits, 13 officers and 225 armed gendarmes. On May 10, 1940, the tanks of Heinz, nicknamed «Hurricane», without knowing any obstacles, swept at wild speed through the possessions of the descendants of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, including them in the process of das Reich. They rushed to Paris. There the Fuhrer promised to be photographed against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower. But what about resistance? Hmmm… «Soldaten went for a beer. For a pivum, for a pivum – tsa-tsa, tra-la-la-la, soldaten went for a pivum. The government and the court immediately fled to London.

Duchess Charlotte, having smelled the smell of fried, «tranked» long «before». The monarchy was liquidated, the lands were attached to the newly formed Gau Koblenz-Trier. The subjects internally protested. But the «tsaks» were put on and regularly did «ku» twice throughout the entire period of occupation. Something like this.

Why did your obedient servant go there this time? But how to say… The finger of fate, or what? Sitting at home, spinning the globe. Much water has flown under the bridge since I wrote my first travel report. Where did I just not wear? The TV, as always, was broadcasting something into space. Habit. No, no, I haven’t watched anything in a long time. And without the «background» somehow uncomfortable. Canada, States, Mexico… Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia… Australia, New Zealand, Tonga… The dark continent far and wide. Even Madagascar. Ugh, damn it! It turns out, everywhere inherited? And suddenly…

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