The monograph is devoted to the updating of technical Park of a grain subcomplex of agroindustrial complex of the Ural region. Economic evaluation update of the Technopark are disclosed in the following sequence. Set out the economic substance of thetechnical capacity of the organizations of the grain subcomplex, its role in the efficiency of grain-producing industry, named and analyzed the influencing factors. Through the assessment shows the development of the market of agricultural machinery andequipment and basic prerequisites for the strengthening and optimization of Technopark grain subcomplex. Assessment of the state of the technology Park carried out on the basis of vast statistical material on the technical equipment of the agriculturalorganizations and enterprises of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. Using methods of correlation and regression analysis and regression of the pair approbation of methods of assessment of technical condition of the Park and the possibilities of itsoptimization. In the analysis, evaluation and proposals formulated the concept of improving the mechanism of reproduction of technical capacity grain subcomplex, shows the principles of its formation and implementation mechanism.
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«Technical park of agricultural organizations. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография.» автора Максима Валентиновича Лысенко
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