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Изучение языков
Дорогие слушатели, мы с Андреем продолжаем рубрику "повседневность". В этом эпизоде мы говорим об истории книги. Всем желаю приятного прослушивания. Подробнее000
Sunday Pick: A Black Utopia In North Carolina | Far Flung
Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today we're sharing an episode of Far Flung. "I thought I'd come to paradise,” said Jane Ball Gro... Подробнее000
AI won't plateau — if we give it time to think | Noam Brown
To get smarter, traditional AI models rely on exponential increases in the scale of data and computing power. Noam Brown, a leading research scientist at OpenAI, presents a potentially transformative ... Подробнее000
The Shifting Sands of the Middle East
The war that Yahya Sinwar launched on Oct. 7, 2023 was meant to profoundly restructure the Middle East. And that is happening – although not in the way the late Hamas leader envisioned. It’s not easy... Подробнее000
Book Club: Let’s Talk About Alan Hollinghurst’s ‘Our Evenings’
This sweeping novel about the life, loves, struggles and triumphs of a queer English Burmese actor is the topic of our January book club discussion. Подробнее000
The high-wire act of unlocking clean energy | Jason Huang
Why are we using tech from 100 years ago to deliver the world's electricity? Materials scientist Jason Huang shows how we could massively upgrade the global power grid by replacing the wires in existi... Подробнее000
FDD Morning Brief | feat. Gen (Ret.) Mike Minihan (Jan. 31)
RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, senior director of FDD's Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation, fills in for Jon Schanzer on the FDD Morning Brief. He delivers timely situational updates and analysis... Подробнее000
Рассказ о личности - Анна Амалия
Сегодня в рубрике "Рассказ о немецкой личности" мы поговорим о выдающейся женщине — герцогине Анне Амалии (Anna Amalia von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel), чья жизнь была наполнена добрыми делами, мудрым у... Подробнее000
AI Prescription Bill Proposed, TB Outbreak Hits Kansas, and Nadella Predicts ‘Jevons Paradox’ for AI
We're experimenting and would love to hear from you!In today's episode of 'Discover Daily', we explore the healthcare bill, H.R. 206, thats making waves in Congress as it proposes to allow AI systems ... Подробнее000
ReThinking with Adam Grant: Sam Altman on the future of AI and humanity
Sam Altman is the CEO and cofounder of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. He and Adam discuss AI's advances in creativity and empathy, its ethical challenges, and the role of human oversight. Sam and... Подробнее000
Future Perfect Continuous или никому не нужное время
Завершающая тема в дюжине времён. Ну, наконец-то! Enjoy your listening! Хотите бесплатно практиковать свой английский? Подписывайтесь!Telegram-канал (марафон времён)Официальный сайтДанная серия подкас... Подробнее000
The secret to telling a great story — in less than 60 seconds | Jenny Hoyos
For social media creator and viral video hitmaker Jenny Hoyos, the key to telling a great story is to keep it brief. She breaks down her framework for telling stories in 60 seconds or less that can ga... Подробнее000
Английский язык с нуля. Урок 281. Практический курс
Это системный пошаговый курс с нуля до продвинутого, по авторской методике Александра Бебриса, автора канала «Английский язык по плейлистам» на YouTube. По данной методике учат английский язык 2 милли... Подробнее000
The Self-Preserving Machine: Why AI Learns to Deceive
When engineers design AI systems, they don't just give them rules - they give them values. But what do those systems do when those values clash with what humans ask them to do? Sometimes, they lie. AI... Подробнее000
The south Wales town of Pontypridd saw cars submerged, people bailing floodwater out of their homes using bins, and the beautiful park and lido transformed into a brown mess, as parts of the UK were f... Подробнее000
Confused about climate? The essential terms you need to know
What’s an NDC? What does El Niño tell us about global temperatures this year? And why could a landmark ICJ ruling unlock a wave of climate legal cases? Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac, and Paul... Подробнее000
Banks Selling X Debt, UK’s Four-Day Workweek Push, and New Microcontinent Discovered Near Greenland
We're experimenting and would love to hear from you!In this episode of 'Discover Daily', we explore three significant stories shaping our world. The episode kicks off with a deep dive into the financi... Подробнее000
It’s that time of the year when many of us are at home with friends and family, losing track of time, eating leftovers, and, of course, playing games. This festive season, we look at the science of ga... Подробнее000
#792: Seth Godin on Playing the Right Game and Strategy as a Superpower
Seth Godin is the author of 21 internationally bestselling books, translated into more than 35 languages, including Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip, and Purple Cow. His latest book is This Is Strategy.Spons... Подробнее000
We look back on 2024 in science, from billionaires in space, to record-breaking heat here on Earth, and the meteoric rise of new weight-loss drugs. From the biggest stories to the unsung and the plain... Подробнее000
More species infected than ever, an uptick in human cases, and some concerning biological modifications. How close are we to a bird flu pandemic? We digest the last year of bird flu changes with virol... Подробнее000
Fact-checking the Bovaer backlash
Some social media users have been pouring milk down the drain and chucking their butter in the bin in protest over a new additive in cow feed that claims to reduce methane emissions. The online posts,... Подробнее000
How to pose for a photo with confidence | David Suh
What if striking a pose could not only make you look good but also help you embody who you’re meant to become? Demonstrating the art of mindful posing, portrait photographer and TikTok’s “King of Pose... Подробнее000
FDD Morning Brief | feat. Seth Frantzman (Jan. 29)
FDD Senior Fellow David Daoud delivers timely situational updates and analysis, followed by a conversation with Seth Frantzman, Senior Middle East Correspondent and Analyst at The Jerusalem Post and a... Подробнее000
Free Translator #2 | Marina Tsvetáeva | «Sneak out»
Many researchers and connoisseurs consider Marina Tsvetáeva as the greatest woman in Russian poetry. The tragic end of her impetuous life is even more shocking then. We will discuss origins of her poe... Подробнее000
We're experimenting and would love to hear from you!In this episode of 'Discover Daily,' we delve into groundbreaking developments in AI technology, focusing on DeepSeek's revolutionary R1 model that'... Подробнее000
Past Perfect Continuous или "осталось еще немного, и времена английского закончатся"
А что получится, если соединить Present Perfect + Perfect Continuous ? Enjoy your listening! Хотите бесплатно практиковать свой английский?Подписывайтесь!Telegram-канал (марафон времён)Официальный сай... Подробнее000
What went wrong in Kingston, Tennessee, and what does it reveal about the messy legacy of public utilities turned corporate giants? Подробнее000
Are we alone in the universe? We're close to finding out | Lisa Kaltenegger
Astrophysicist Lisa Kaltenegger explores the thrilling possibility of discovering life beyond Earth, highlighting how cutting-edge technology like the James Webb Space Telescope lets us analyze distan... Подробнее000
В этом выпуске мы, Станислав Дмитриевич Кондрашов и Анна Атлас, обсуждаем результаты исследования, которое показало, что многие компании испытывают трудности во взаимоотношениях с представителями поко... Подробнее000
В этом выпуске мы обсуждаем реакцию двух известных российских актеров, Никиты Кологривого и Александра Петрова, на новость о номинации их коллеги, Юрия Борисова, на престижную кинопремию «Оскар» за ро... Подробнее000
Тайны Золотого человека: интервью Станислава Кондрашова об археологической находке в Казахстане
В подкасте Станислав Кондрашов беседует с экспертами об археологической находке, известной как «золотой человек» из Казахстана. Это интервью проливает свет на культуру скифо-сакских племён.Кондрашов а... Подробнее000
Золотой человек Казахстана: история, культура и наследие со Станиславом Дмитриевичем Кондрашовым
Привет, друзья! Сегодня я хочу рассказать вам о своём новом подкасте, посвященном Золотому человеку — артефакту скифо-сакской культуры, который был обнаружен в Казахстане. Это уникальное историческое ... Подробнее000
Free Translator #1 | Boris Pasternák | «The Only Days»
Noble Literature Prize winner Boris Pasternák was one of the most significant Russian poets of all time. We will briefly talk about his life and oeuvre and hear a translation of his poem «The Only Day... Подробнее000
Swimming (Part 1) + Transcript
Get access to our premium episodes: https://boosty.to/ieltssfs/purchase/3035435?ssource=DIRECT&share=subscription_linkDo you like swimming? Is it difficult to learn how to swim? What's the difference ... Подробнее000
Great People from History You Should Know About: Part II
Join us this week as we continue a series discussing great people from history who had a profound impact on the world.Join the discussion on our Discord at https://discord.gg/3FvTJKAma9.Support our Pa... Подробнее000