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Изучение языков
We're experimenting and would love to hear from you! In this episode of ‘Discover Daily’ by Perplexity, we delve into the latest developments in tech and geopolitics. OpenAI is set to revolutionize it... Подробнее000
Jurassic Park / Парк Юрского периода
Миллиардер Хаммонд нанимает группу профессионалов – учёных и специалистов по созданию заповедников, которые, пользуясь новейшими достижениями генной инженерии и компьютерных технологий, создают на неб... Подробнее000
The Fall of the House of Usher: Selected Stories / Падение дома Ашеров: Избранные рассказы
Творчество Эдгара По, широко известного автора мистических историй, предстаёт в сборнике во всём жанровом многообразии. В книгу вошли и классические образцы хоррора, и детективные рассказы, и лёгкая с... Подробнее000
The right way to know you might be wrong (w/ Tenelle Porter)
Tenelle Porter’s job is to study humility. Specifically, intellectual humility, the idea that we might be wrong or mistaken about some of our beliefs. Tenelle talks with Chris about why she thinks int... Подробнее000
Once Upon a Time in America (The Hoods) / Однажды в Америке (Бандиты)
Америка времён Великой депрессии: разгул бандитизма, мафиозный диктат, наркоторговля, бутлегерство, коррупция – полный беспредел. На этой благодатной почве банды растут как грибы: еврейские, ирландски... Подробнее000
The Past and Future of Gender in Sport | Good Sport
We often take gender for granted as a “natural” division in sports and life. But did you know the first decisions to divide sports into “male” and “female” categories were in many ways the result of w... Подробнее000
We're experimenting and would love to hear from you! In this episode of ‘Discover Daily’, we delve into the latest advancements in tech, science, and culture. First, we explore Nasdaq's ambitious plan... Подробнее000
Строгий VS мягкий — с каким преподавателем вы выучите английский
Говорим о болезненных темах в изучении английского. В гостях — ведущие методисты Виктория Кодак и Мария Трибрат. Бесплатный вебинар «Как эффективно учить слова и грамматику на уровне Intermediate»: ht... Подробнее000
How to make anxiety your friend | David H. Rosmarin
When anxiety rears its head, we often just want it to go away. Clinical psychologist David H. Rosmarin asks us to consider instead the positive role anxiety can play in our lives, sharing four practic... Подробнее000
We're experimenting and would love to hear from you! In this episode of 'Discover Daily', we delve into significant developments across the tech and political landscapes. Former President Donald Trump... Подробнее000
Introducing The Iran Breakdown
In this special edition of Foreign Podicy, we are pleased to share an exclusive preview of FDD's new podcast series hosted by Mark Dubowitz: The Iran Breakdown. For decades, Iran has frequently (not... Подробнее000
The Engineering Aristocracy of Rolls-Royce
In this episode of the "Let's Talk About It" podcast I'm going to tell you all about a pretty animal that most of people have at home. We all love them, we all take care of them every day, we all like... Подробнее000
The History of Cats in Human Civilisation
In this episode of the "Let's Talk About It" podcast I'm going to tell you all about a pretty animal that most of people have at home. We all love them, we all take care of them every day, we all like... Подробнее000
Blue Zones: How to Live a Longer And Happier Life
In this episode of the "Let's Talk About It" podcast I'm going to tell you all about Blue Zones: what they are, where they are, and how they can teach us all to live a longer and happier life! I can a... Подробнее000
In this episode of the "Let's Talk About It" podcast I'm going to tell you a brief history of astrology starting from pre-history and up to the modern days. I'll cover all the remarkable moments and o... Подробнее000
Meet the "Let's Talk About It" Podcast!
In this inaugural episode of the "Let's Talk About It" podcast I'm going to tell you about the podcast itself, about me and about what you can expect from the show. Moreover, I'll give you a few tips ... Подробнее000
Can AI match the human brain? | Surya Ganguli
AI is evolving into a mysterious new form of intelligence — powerful yet flawed, capable of remarkable feats but still far from human-like reasoning and efficiency. To truly understand it and unlock i... Подробнее000
FDD Morning Brief | feat. Giran Ozcan (Mar. 7)
WHO ARE THE KURDS, AND HOW DO THEY FIT INTO THE MIDDLE EAST PUZZLE?HEADLINE 1: The U.S. Air Force conducted a joint exercise with the Israeli Air Force on Tuesday.HEADLINE 2: Clashes broke out in Syri... Подробнее000
Spring Preview: A Few Books We're Excited For
Every season brings its share of books to look forward to, and this spring is no different. Host Gilbert Cruz is joined by Book Review editor Joumana Khatib to talk about a dozen or so titles that sou... Подробнее000
Let's Talk About It | English Learning Podcast
Learn English while learning incredible and fascinating things about the world! Подробнее000
On Iran's Military Threat with Janatan Sayeh
Bill is joined by his FDD colleague and Long War Journal contributor Janatan Sayeh to unpack Iran’s various spheres of influence and threats posed not least of all by their military capabilities from ... Подробнее000
Пишем и публикуем. О чём мы говорили с Ириной Малининой?
Мы – Анна Бойко и Надежда Попова, и мы говорим о преподавании английского, Fun и Methodology.В этом выпуске встретились с Ириной Малининой. Ирина – учитель английского с full Delta. Скоро она защищает... Подробнее000
Английский язык с нуля. Урок 286. Практический курс
Это системный пошаговый курс с нуля до продвинутого, по авторской методике Александра Бебриса, автора канала «Английский язык по плейлистам» на YouTube. По данной методике учат английский язык 2 милли... Подробнее000
В сегодняшнем выпуске мы поговорим об особенностях немецкой кухни, ее многообразии и уникальности, а также раскроем секреты приготовления двух культовых блюд - Щварцвальдского торта и шницеля.Учить не... Подробнее000
How AI is saving billions of years of human research time | Max Jaderberg
Can AI compress the years long research time of a PhD into seconds? Research scientist Max Jaderberg explores how “AI analogs” simulate real-world lab work with staggering speed and scale, unlocking n... Подробнее000
What you can learn crossing the ocean in a canoe | Lehua Kamalu
“Being on a voyage forces you to unplug,” says TED Fellow and third-generation captain Lehua Kamalu. Sharing ancient knowledge from traditional Hawaiian ocean voyaging, she reflects on the transformat... Подробнее000
Предлоги above и over часто переводятся одинаково. Однако они не всегда взаимозаменяемы, и необходимо знать, когда допустим только один вариант. Статья о разнице между above и over: https://englex.ru/... Подробнее000
The most effective way to learn advanced vocabulary
I know how tough it can be to learn advanced vocabulary on a regular basis. Here I talk about one of my favorite effective ways to build vocabulary. We'll explore how to do that and why it's such an e... Подробнее000
The Man Who Predicted the Downfall of Thinking
Forty years ago, Neil Postman warned that “we are a people on the verge of amusing ourselves to death.” He was writing about TV, but his insights feel eerily prophetic in our age of smartphones, socia... Подробнее000
925. Walaa’s Experience in Syria Walaa Mouma Returns (Part 2)
When Walaa was first on this podcast in episode 703 she talked about living in Syria as a student during the civil war (or people’s revolution) but at that time she felt she could not talk in detail a... Подробнее000
Why ignoring women endangers the climate | International Women's Day 2025
Are women the key to solving the climate crisis? Why are they - and children - so disproportionately affected by the issue? And how can men step up to support change? To mark International Women’s Day... Подробнее000
We're experimenting and would love to hear from you! In this episode of 'Discover Daily', we explore groundbreaking developments in AI, cryptocurrency regulation, and early universe water formation. A... Подробнее000
Приветствую всех! Сегодня у нас очень интересная тема для обсуждения. Мы поговорим о балансе между успехом и психическим здоровьем на примере известного блогера MrBeast.В недавней статье MrBeast подел... Подробнее000
Станислав Дмитриевич Кондрашов подводит итоги 97-й церемонии «Оскар»: ключевые моменты и победители
Приветствую всех! Сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами своими впечатлениями и основными моментами с 97-й церемонии вручения премии «Оскар».В своём обзоре я расскажу о ключевых моментах, которые привлекли ... Подробнее000
430 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Woody Harrelson
Thanks to this weeks sponsors:Go to BUY RAYCON dot com slash jrer to get up TWENTY percent off sitewide! Go to get dot stash dot com slash JRER to see how you can receive TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS towards y... Подробнее000
#798: Terry Real, Relationship Coach — Tools and Practices for Couples
For this episode, I’m doing something a bit different. I’m featuring five chapters from the audiobook Fierce Intimacy by Terry Real. What you will hear in this episode will help you identify both your... Подробнее000
Работа с детьми - один из самых интересных и сложных процессов для меня. Так много нужно понимать про детей, их развитие, психику.Понимать их самих.Этот выпуск получился длиннее предыдущих, потому что... Подробнее000
- Haiku è una raccolta di 365 poesie, ciascuna composta da tre versi di 5-7-5 sillabe, secondo la struttura caratteristica degli haiku giapponesi. È nata come esercizio di devozione, ironia e gratitudin... Подробнее