Название серии:
«Прикладная информатика. Научные статьи»Книги серии:
- 1. A method and a model framework for planning R&D changes in manufacturing enterprises
- 2. A software engineer organizer – new special solution
- 3. Analysis of short unstructured documents using fuzzy significance scales and special procedures for economic information integration
- 4. Bacterial optimization and complex swarm-simulation modeling of innovative projects’ promotion into the regions
- 5. Business intelligence as a decision support system tool
- 6. CASE-технологии создания имитационных моделей в среде Pilgrim 5
- 7. Creation of a chemical-technological system digital twin using the Python language
- 8. Developing the economic information system for automated analysis of unstructured text documents
- 9. Digital Humanities в России: перспективы развития
- 10. Digitalization and its impact on the development of Russia
- 11. DVCompute Simulator для дискретно-событийного моделирования
- 12. Economic efficiency assessment of projects for the information systems creation
- 13. Face validation using skin, eyes and mouth detection
- 14. Fuzzy cognitive modeling of heterogeneous electromechanical systems
- 15. Genetic algorithm as a tool for modeling calculations of electric power systems
- 16. ICT and innovative educational system as key factors of world-class universities’ competitive power
- 17. Instruments and institutions of the information economy in the industrial development of Russia
- 18. Intelligent control algorithm for autonomous integrated power plants for Arctic regions
- 19. Internet-трафик: защита сетевых ресурсов организации
- 20. ISDN – цифровая сеть интегрированных служб
- 21. IT в совершенствовании профессионального английского инженерной элиты
- 22. IT-сервисы в процессном подходе к управлению
- 23. ITSM-подход в управлении ИТ-инфраструктурой сети МПК
- 24. IТ: обзор рынка и примеры классификации специальностей
- 25. Matters of economic ecosystem classification
- 26. Methods of SEO evaluation
- 27. Model of creating an economic ecosystem in the framework of economic convergence under the influence of digitalization
- 28. Mоделирование эколого-экономической системы региона на основе системы Pilgrim
- 29. New applications of competency models in human resource management
- 30. Plankalkül – первый высокоуровневый язык программирования
- 31. R-функции в компьютерном моделировании дизайна 3D-поверхности автомобиля
- 32. R-функции как аппарат в приложениях фрактальной геометрии
- 33. Rubrication of text documents based on fuzzy difference relations
- 34. SaaS-решения лидеров IT-индустрии
- 35. Sber ecosystem – the product of digitalization impact on intersectoral economic convergence
- 36. Simulation modeling and fuzzy logic in real-time decision-making of airport services
- 37. Simulation of the movement of the supporting leg of an exoskeleton with two links of variable length in 3D
- 38. Text processing and machine learning methods in HRM applications: opportunities and features
- 39. Tools of organizational change management using swarm intelligence methods
- 40. UML: поддержка проектирования и инструментальные среды
- 41. Virtualization of information object vulnerability testing container based on DeX technology and deep learning neural networks