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Изучение языков
A controversial play — and what it taught me about the psychology of climate | David Finnigan
When playwright David Finnigan staged a play titled "Kill Climate Deniers" in 2014, he knew it'd get a strong reaction. What he wasn't prepared for was the idea that the blowback might actually cause ... Подробнее000
How to turn the tables on food waste | Dana Gunders
We waste a staggering one trillion dollars worth of food each year, significantly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the climate crisis. Food waste expert Dana Gunders shares innovative solu... Подробнее000
3 skills every middle school boy needs | Jerome Hunter
Middle school is a time like no other, as significant biological and emotional changes coincide with profound personal growth, says educator Jerome Hunter. The middle school for boys that he founded c... Подробнее000
How to ask for more — and get it | Alex Carter
How do you get what you want out of a negotiation? United Nations negotiation trainer Alex Carter says the best methods center on recruitment, not rivalry. Whether you're asking for a raise or resolvi... Подробнее000
Why do Americans and Canadians celebrate Labor Day? | Kenneth C. Davis
In the United States and Canada, the first Monday of September is a federal holiday, Labor Day. Originally celebrated in New York City’s Union Square in 1882, Labor Day was organized by unions as a ra... Подробнее000
Sunday Pick: How to spot a bully in the workplace | Fixable
Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today we're sharing a special episode of Fixable, TED's business advice call-in show, hosted by A... Подробнее000
What can acting reveal about the mystery of consciousness? Actor and producer Yara Shahidi and cognitive neuroscientist Anil Seth unpack the surprising ways that portraying different characters can re... Подробнее000
The case for good jobs — and why they're good for business too | Zeynep Ton
Many of the jobs that keep the world running — like cleaning bathrooms, picking up trash, caring for the elderly — pay so poorly that workers can barely make ends meet. Nonprofit leader Zeynep Ton is ... Подробнее000
How testosterone and culture shape behavior | Carole K. Hooven
Drawing on her research into the science of play, evolutionary biologist Carole K. Hooven delves into how testosterone impacts the body and brain, interacting with culture to create differences in hum... Подробнее000
The beautiful paradoxes of a multicultural identity | Farhad Mohit
How do you find yourself when you belong to two seemingly opposing cultures? Embracing the paradoxes of dual identity, creative disruptor Farhad Mohit explores how being both Iranian and American allo... Подробнее000
Want to get ahead at work? Risk the awkward moments | Henna Pryor
When we avoid feeling awkward, we often miss an opportunity for growth, says workplace performance expert Henna Pryor. She shares tips on embracing discomfort for the sake of self-betterment and shows... Подробнее000
The invisible networks shaping your everyday life | Deb Chachra
The basic infrastructure that controls plumbing, electricity and more is vital to your individual agency, says engineering professor Deb Chachra. She offers a crash course on how these systems connect... Подробнее000
TED Talks Daily Book Club: The Anxious Generation | Jonathan Haidt
Join Elise as she interviews TED speakers about their latest books and delves deep into their ideas.Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt's latest book, “The Anxious Generation,” is shaping cultural conv... Подробнее000
We explored the cutting edge of wild animal welfare science our full interview with Cameron Meyer Shorb, executive director of Wild Animal Initiative, including highlights like:These highlights are fr... Подробнее000
FDD Morning Brief | feat. Olivia Reingold (Dec. 13)
FDD Executive Director Jon Schanzer delivers timely situational updates and analysis, followed by a conversation with Olivia Reingold, staff writer for The Free Press.Learn more at: fdd.org/fddmorning... Подробнее000
Наглядность в изучении истории
Дорогие слушатели, в этом эпизоде, мы обсуждаем роль наглядности в истории, её виды, и способы работы с ней. Переходите по ссылкам, чтобы ознакомиться с примерами, которые мы приводим во время разгово... Подробнее000
Искусство изразцов сквозь века
Дорогие слушатели, в этом эпизоде, я рассказываю об изразцах. Вы познакомитесь с удивительным искусством, которое имеет очень долгую историю, начиная с Древнего Египта и заканчивая сегодняшним днём.ht... Подробнее000
Hello, friends! In today`s episode I`m sharing my big five for life with you. I wish you create your own big five! Подробнее000
Дорогие слушатели, в этом эпизоде, вы услышите ответы на следующие актуальные вопросы:Как использовать письменные источники при изучении истории?Как выбрать учебник?В чем полезность "критического мышл... Подробнее000
Дорогие слушатели, в этом эпизоде, я раскрываю понятие "большой пятерки" и делюсь своей собственной. Я надеюсь, что эпизод получился полезным для каждого, кто хочет определить свои приоритеты в жизни. Подробнее000
Does reading make any sense in the 21st century?
Hello everybody! In today's episode I ramble on reading as an important tool in our life. Подробнее000
История - скучный предмет или полезный инструмент?
Всем привет! Сегодняшний эпизод - разговор об истории с моим коллегой - Андреем. Вы найдете ответы на ряд вопросов. Подробнее000
From nothing to speaking English (Part 2)
This is the second part of the episode where I tell you about my experience of learning English from scratch. Подробнее000
From nothing to speaking English (Part 1)
Hello, friends!!! In today's episode you find out why I kicked off learning English and difficulties I had at that time as a beginner. Подробнее000
What is the sense of the podcast?
In this episode I want to tell you how I came to this idea to start a podcast. I share some information about my aims of the podcast, hobbies and etc. Подробнее000
Английский язык с нуля. Урок 265. Практический курс
Это системный пошаговый курс с нуля до продвинутого, по авторской методике Александра Бебриса, автора канала «Английский язык по плейлистам» на YouTube. По данной методике учат английский язык 2 милли... Подробнее000
Записки из будущего. Что посоветовать начинающему преподавателю?
Мы – Анна Бойко и Надежда Попова, и мы говорим о преподавании английского, Fun и Methodology.В этом выпуске обсудим вот что:Как быть, когда ученики уходят?Почему стоит доверять не только книгам, но и ... Подробнее000
«Один дома», «Клаус», «Реальная любовь» — какие фильмы пересмотреть на английском
Гость выпуска — Илья Лаптиев, ведущий подкаста «Вещание ягнят» и редактор школы «Инглекс». Ностальгируем и обсуждаем, какие фильмы стоит пересмотреть на каникулах. Подкаст «Вещание ягнят»: https://ves... Подробнее000
Could we replace data centers with … plant DNA? | Cliff Kapono and Keolu Fox
Is it possible to meet the world's seemingly infinite demand for data storage while also caring for the natural environment? Biomedical researcher Keolu Fox and professional surfer and scientist Cliff... Подробнее000
Как правильно учить английские слова?
Слова — это «кирпичики» любого языка. Как быстро сделать так, чтобы Вы стали обладателем достаточного количества кирпичей, чтобы построить замок и говорить на английском красиво, а не как Эллочка-людо... Подробнее000
Английский язык с нуля. Урок 264. Практический курс
Это системный пошаговый курс с нуля до продвинутого, по авторской методике Александра Бебриса, автора канала «Английский язык по плейлистам» на YouTube. По данной методике учат английский язык 2 милли... Подробнее000
Yes, you can be an entrepreneur too | Saamra Mekuria-Grillo
Who gets to be an entrepreneur? Saamra Mekuria-Grillo says the image we most commonly see — a guy in a hoodie — is a limiting representation of entrepreneurial success. She highlights the importance o... Подробнее000
Meet our planet's hidden defenders | Anjan Sundaram
Small Indigenous communities make up only five percent of the world's population, but they defend 80 percent of the biodiversity that remains on Earth, says war reporter Anjan Sundaram. He paints a pi... Подробнее000
How to empower farmers — and nourish the planet | Agnes Kalibata
Africa's smallholder farmers feed millions of people and uplift economies, yet they often lack the basic resources needed to thrive, says agricultural scientist and policymaker Agnes Kalibata. She out... Подробнее000
How to prevent — or stop — a war | Gabrielle Rifkind
"I'm not a pacifist, but in the end, war is the greatest human rights abuse and does not make the world safer," says Gabrielle Rifkind, director of the Oxford Process, an organization dedicated to end... Подробнее000
How to end malaria once and for all | Abdoulaye Diabaté
Malaria is a disease as old as humankind, yet we may be closer than ever to eliminating it, says medical entomologist Abdoulaye Diabaté. He explains the potential of "gene drive" technology — which ai... Подробнее000
How to set the right goals and stay motivated | Ayelet Fishbach
You can't just "find" motivation, says scientist Ayelet Fishbach — you have to learn how to motivate yourself. She shares a handful of tips backed by 20 years of motivation research, offering surprisi... Подробнее000
Sunday Pick: How to develop the habits you want – and get rid of the ones you don’t
Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today we're sharing a special episode of How to Be a Better Human, a podcast hosted by comedian C... Подробнее000
The missing piece of the clean energy transition | Sheila Ngozi Oparaocha
The clean energy transition has a major blind spot, says energy equity expert Sheila Ngozi Oparaocha: it ignores millions of people without access to energy. Highlighting grassroots women's organizati... Подробнее000
How entrepreneurs can unlock their full potential | Jay Bailey
Jay Bailey says so many ideas never see the light of day because entrepreneurship has a problem of belonging. He shares how a chance encounter kicked off his own journey to becoming an entrepreneur an... Подробнее000