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Изучение языков
What you can do to stop economic crime | Hanjo Seibert
It might sound like the plot of a movie, but economic crime is all around us — from drug trafficking and fraud to cybercrimes, tax evasion and more. Economic crime fighter Hanjo Seibert breaks down th... Подробнее000
Ideas change everything — and what's next for TED | Chris Anderson and Monique Ruff-Bell
TED is on a mission to discover and champion the ideas that will shape tomorrow. Reflecting on the evolution of that mission, TED's Chris Anderson and Monique Ruff-Bell cast a visionary gaze on the or... Подробнее000
Sunday Pick: How Bill Gates spends $9 billion a year
To get a free copy of the Infectious Generosity book, visit ted.com/generosityEach Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today: an episode f... Подробнее000
How to find joy in climate action | Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
We can all play a role in the climate movement by tapping into our skills, resources and networks in ways that bring us satisfaction, says climate leader Ayana Elizabeth Johnson. She suggests drawing ... Подробнее000
Why great leaders take humor seriously | Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas
There's a mistaken belief in today's working world that leaders need to be serious all the time to be taken seriously. The research tells a different story. Based on the course they teach at Stanford'... Подробнее000
Why you should disappoint your parents | Desiree Akhavan
When filmmaker Desiree Akhavan told her Iranian immigrant parents she was in love with a woman, she knew they would object. She explains why it's worth the risk to let people get to know the real you.... Подробнее000
Where does your sense of self come from? A scientific look | Anil Ananthaswamy
Our memories and bodies give us clues about who we are, but what happens when this guidance shifts? In this mind-bending talk, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy shares how the experiences of "altered s... Подробнее000
A new national park to reclaim Indigenous land | Tracie Revis
In a part of the United States with more than 17,000 years of human history, cultural preservation advocate Tracie Revis is working to turn the Ocmulgee Mounds into Georgia's first national park and p... Подробнее000
Can AI catch criminals at sea? | Dyhia Belhabib
Can AI help catch oceanic outlaws? From drug smugglers to modern-day pirates, maritime crime fighter Dyhia Belhabib introduces Heva: an AI-powered tool that aggregates international criminal records t... Подробнее000
Sunday Pick: The bias behind your undiagnosed chronic pain
Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today: an episode from TED Health, a podcast that shares ideas about your well-being -- from smar... Подробнее000
There's more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith
Our culture is obsessed with happiness, but what if there's a more fulfilling path? Happiness comes and goes, says writer Emily Esfahani Smith, but having meaning in life -- serving something beyond y... Подробнее000
What happens to sex in midlife? A look at the "bedroom gap" | Maria Sophocles
Menopause isn't just hot flashes, says gynecologist and sexual medicine specialist Maria Sophocles. It's often accompanied by overlooked symptoms like painful sex or loss of libido. Shedding light on ... Подробнее000
A futuristic vision for Latin America, rooted in ancient design | Catalina Lotero
What would Latin America look like if colonization hadn't interrupted its ancient civilizations? Imagining a future where ancestral knowledge intertwines with modern aesthetics, designer Catalina Lote... Подробнее000
How to spot a cult | Sarah Edmondson
Nobody joins a cult on purpose, says Sarah Edmondson, a former member of the infamous NXIVM cult and one of the three whistleblowers that led to its downfall. She explains how she got ensnared in this... Подробнее000
Want to succeed in business? Find a problem to solve | Anthony Tan and Amane Dannouni
Anthony Tan — the CEO of Grab, Southeast Asia's leading super-app — talks about launching a business that not only turns a profit but also helps people and the environment. In conversation with digita... Подробнее000
A comedian's take on how to save democracy | Jordan Klepper
Conversation is a battlefield with only one winner. Or is it? Comedian and author Jordan Klepper believes we can get better at talking to each other (and perhaps save democracy) by learning how to los... Подробнее000
Sunday Pick: ALOK is microdosing creativity and rejecting norms
Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today: an episode from How to Be a Better Human, a podcast that shares the small ways and big ide... Подробнее000
The relationship between sex and imagination | Gina Gutierrez
Sex is as much mental as it is physical — and imagination is the most powerful tool we have to expand our personal agency and capacity for pleasure, says sexual wellness storyteller Gina Gutierrez. Th... Подробнее000
The human cost of coal mining in China | Xiaojun "Tom" Wang
Xiaojun "Tom" Wang grew up in the Chinese province of Shanxi, the world's largest coal producer. Each year, more than a billion tons of coal are dug out of Shanxi's mountains, and the impacts are deva... Подробнее000
How to live with economic doomsaying | Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak
Economic crises can and do happen. But for every true crisis, there are many false alarms, says economist Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak. He explains how to live with the media’s pervasive economic doomsayi... Подробнее000
Let your garden grow wild | Rebecca McMackin
Many gardeners work hard to maintain clean, tidy environments ... which is the exact opposite of what wildlife wants, says ecological horticulturist Rebecca McMackin. She shows the beauty of letting y... Подробнее000
Why don't we have better robots yet? | Ken Goldberg
Why hasn't the dream of having a robot at home to do your chores become a reality yet? With three decades of research expertise in the field, roboticist Ken Goldberg sheds light on the clumsy truth ab... Подробнее000
3 steps to better connect with your fellow humans | Amber Cabral
How can you effectively support people at work and in your community, especially when they're different from you? Inclusion strategist Amber Cabral shares three steps you can take to build connection ... Подробнее000
TED's Sunday Pick: The Spermageddon is coming
Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today: an episode from Am I Normal?, a podcast where endlessly curious data journalist Mona Chala... Подробнее000
The benefits of not being a jerk to yourself | Dan Harris
After over two decades as an anchor for ABC News, an on-air panic attack sent Dan Harris's life in a new direction: he became a dedicated meditator and, to some, even a guru. But then an anonymous sur... Подробнее000
How business leaders can renew democracy | Daniella Ballou-Aares
How much should business leaders speak out about threats to democracy? It's a question many corporations are wrestling with these days. Business and democracy leader Daniella Ballou-Aares shows why co... Подробнее000
How to choose clothes for longevity, not the landfill | Diarra Bousso
Buying cheap clothing online can be satisfying, but it comes with not-so-hidden environmental costs. When designer Diarra Bousso was growing up in Senegal, her family bought and created new outfits fo... Подробнее000
AI and the paradox of self-replacing workers
As companies introduce AI into the workplace to increase productivity, an uncomfortable paradox is emerging: people are often responsible for training the very systems that might displace them. AI eth... Подробнее000
5 lessons on happiness — from pop fame to poisonous snakes | Mike Posner
Singer-songwriter Mike Posner took a break from his music to take a walk — a very long walk, across the entire United States. He shares five lessons he learned from his epic, eventful trek (snakes mig... Подробнее000
Dear fellow refugees, here's how I found resilience | Chantale Zuzi Leader
Chantale Zuzi Leader is one of the millions of displaced people around the world. In a deeply moving talk, she reflects on losing her family, home and sense of safety — only to break through and ultim... Подробнее000
Is menopause the beginning of the end? | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter
There are only two mammals who have evolved to survive after their child bearing years: toothed whales and humans. This stage of life is called menopause, and it makes humans an evolutionary wonder! B... Подробнее000
The creative power of your intuition | Bozoma Saint John
Great ideas are like electricity -- they snap into sharp focus and sprint from place to place. What's the best way to capture them? Bozoma Saint John, Chief Marketing Officer at Netflix, makes a compe... Подробнее000
The miracle of organ donation — and a breakthrough for the future | Abbas Ardehali
Organ transplants save lives, but they come with challenges: every minute a healthy donated organ is on ice increases risk. And even if things go perfectly, rejection of the organ is still possible. C... Подробнее000
Meet mini-grids — the clean energy solution bringing power to millions | Tombo Banda
Hundreds of millions of people lack access to electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa, relying on highly polluting diesel and firewood for power and light. Working to brighten the future in her home country... Подробнее000
How a sanctuary for self-expression can change lives | Lindsay Morris and Reed J. Williams
After bringing her son to a summer camp for gender-nonconforming children, photographer Lindsay Morris launched a project to share the campers' stories with the world. One of them, Reed J. Williams, i... Подробнее000
A path to social safety for migrant workers | Ashif Shaikh
Hundreds of millions of migrant workers travel within their countries to seek out means of survival — often leaving behind all they know for months or even years. Many face poverty and exploitation, a... Подробнее000
3 mysteries of the universe — and a new force that might explain them | Alex Keshavarzi
We're still in the dark about what 95 percent of our universe is made of — and the standard model for understanding particle physics has hit a limit. What's the next step forward? Particle physicist A... Подробнее000
How to outsmart bias at work | Fixable
Have you ever felt like something about your identity was getting in the way of your success? On this episode of Fixable, another podcast from the TED Audio Collective, a listener needs help pushing t... Подробнее000
How to lead with radical candor | Kim Scott
"How can you say what you mean without being mean?" asks CEO coach and author Kim Scott. Delving into the delicate balance between caring and challenging when leading in the workplace, she introduces ... Подробнее000
Why are women still taken less seriously than men? | Mary Ann Sieghart
Women are routinely underestimated, overlooked, interrupted, talked over or mistaken for someone more junior at the workplace. Author Mary Ann Sieghart calls this the "authority gap" — all the ways wo... Подробнее000